Reconstruction of buildings at the Old Port, Bastia

1958 – 1965
Context: reconstruction of the city’s waterfront and organisation of the public space of the Old Port of Bastia.
Programme: apartments, shops and businesses on the ground floor and first floor. 3 volumes, 1 slab block (6 storeys) and 2 towers (6 and 8 storeys) define the linear composition which characterises the ‘harbour front’.
Construction: Proin dapibus scelerisque velit et venenatis. Sed vel velit ut erat facilisis imperdiet et at dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nisi ex, maximus in pretium a, interdum et diam. Pellentesque quis leo ut enim aliquam eleifend quis vitae magna. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus sodales elementum magna, in aliquam quam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

«In 1958 […] I was entrusted with the reconstruction and development plan of Bastia. The incidents regarding the Vieux-Port of Marseille had brought me into contact with a remarkable woman of the services of urban planning, Mrs. Sciallelli. A high official, excellent administrator and organizer, she had the high consideration of all those who approached her. […] Through my friend Meyer-Heine, inspector general of urban planning for Corsica and the Riviera, she asked me to come to see her. […] For her, damaging Bastia would have been a crime. Her feelings went beyond the scope of her ordinary missions. […] I was, I knew, the last hope for those sensitive and conscientious people who understood the wonderful site of old Bastia. I studied the documents in the Bastia file and the next day I left Paris for Nice. […] I spent one day examining the site, and another day in official visits to the sub-prefect and the mayor. I drew the whole project on my way back in the taxiplane: one architectural solution, and two urban planning solutions. […] In Marseille, I gave my sketches to two pupils […] to whom I explained my drawings. I gave them a fortnight to make a beautiful album of the project with the help of the whole team. I also asked to go on the spot to carry out a photographic investigation […]. The port of Bastia had been partly destroyed by artillery fire. On my way back from Algiers and Tehran, I went to Marseille to get the project and brought it to Meyer-Heine. He seemed delighted at first sight, thanked me, and we went to Mrs. Sciallelli’s office at the ministry. […] “But it seems to me that I entrusted you with that just yesterday. You are already here with a complete project. It’s incredible”. After the architecture was immediately accepted (naturally, I completed the site with simple buildings, built of local materials) we spent an hour discussing the urban planning solution. […] Many architects had been struggling for years on the project that I solved in one day of examination and two hours on the plane. […] Construction ended while I was detained in Fresnes. One summer’s day, I received a drawing that my master Beaudouin had traced on the spot with his artist’s hand, and which passed censorship: Bravo Pouillon, he wrote, Bastia is a great success».


F. Pouillon, Mémoires d’un architecte. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1968, pp. 279-281.